BloomSixteen Our definition of clean beauty

Our definition of clean beauty

The fight against toxins.

Toxins are everywhere. Powerful, unhealthy substances found in the most unassuming products that we place our confidence in to keep us healthy, and skincare products are some of the biggest culprits. Many skincare lines appear to promote skin health, misleading their customers though high price points and fancy marketing, while diluting product quality through a long ingredient list that is loaded with questionable toxins. For us beauty is simple, beauty is clean. Up to 60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed and can affect your overall health and wellbeing. We are here to make an ingredient list that is simple to read and understand, one that you can fully trust to put on one of the most precious organs of your body – your skin. So say goodbye to aluminum, sulfates, parabens, DEA, MEA, formaldehyde, phthalates, siloxanes and all the rest. We will never recommend you put anything on your skin that isn’t safe and free of toxins. And believe us when we say, your skin will thank you.


Clean, safe, toxin-free. Always

It’s easy to remember – our path to clean beauty means safe, non-toxic products that are heavily derived from plants. Whether coming from a range of botanicals or argan trees, our products are sourced from nature and deliver clean beauty that you can trust.


Beauty for all

We believe everyone should love the skin they’re in, so our products are for all people. Share your clean beauty regime with those around you and spread the love for healthy skin and lasting beauty.


First and foremost, thank nature

We believe that nature is at the root of everything and we need to be careful about how much we take from our natural resources. Therefore we are as conscious about our use of sustainable packaging as we are about what we put on our skin. We use recyclable, environmentally friendly and non-toxic plastics and glasses for our bottled products. 


Know your producers

Not only do we want to know where our products come from but we also want to know who is involved in the process. Our products are developed and authenticated by experienced skincare professionals who we trust with our brand promise, to create a line of high quality, clean beauty products that you can trust.
